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Topic 4B


Topic 4B: 高校图书馆员的职业教育:从核心能力到继续教育Professional Education for Academic Librarians: From Core Competencies to Continuing Education Scott Walter史考特瓦尔特

摘要: 顺应技术、信息环境和高等教育事业的不断发展,高校图书馆员所需具备的专业技能在不断演变中。对高校图书馆员职业教育的讨论,必须假设为:图书馆员在其职业生涯中会参与进继续职业教育中,并且职业教育项目应该被设计为让图书馆员们接受一个观点要终身学习。本讲座会通过回顾图书馆专业协会提出的框架和美国图书馆采用的模式,来概述美国图书馆职业的核心能。本讲座包括学习在“Web 2.0”技术、教学和学术交流方面的继续职业教育项目模式。

Abstract: The professional skills required of an academic librarian are evolving in response to ongoing changes in technology, the information environment, and the enterprise of higher education. Discussions of professional education for academic librarians must now assume that the librarian will be involved in continuous professional education throughout his or her career, and that professional education programs must be designed with a view to the librarian as life-long learner. This presentation will provide an overview of the "core competencies" in U.S. librarianship through review of frameworks provided by professional associations and through models employed in U.S. libraries. This presentation will conclude with a study of model programs for continuing professional education in areas such as "Web 2.0" technology, teaching, and scholarly communications.

附件:topic 4b--Scott.ppt
版权所有 2010-2011 湖南省图书馆学会