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Topic 3B


Topic 3B: 公共圖書館服務Public Library Services

宋曼玲Angela Yang

摘要:美国公共图书馆是社区的信息,文化和艺术中心。也是培养终身学习的场所。公共图书馆提供的优良免费服务,和反应社区居民需求所安排的活动,对当地社区居民生活品质的贡献很大。这扁演讲将以美国加州佛利蒙图书馆为例,简略介绍 1) 公共图书馆基本的服务原则。2) 美国图书馆的几个大类。3) 公共图书馆对推动 和鼓励阅读及求知的重要地位。4) 如何计划实施对不同族群包括儿童,学生,寻职者,年长者,少数民族,退出文盲圈的新读者,以及在看守所监狱的犯人的服务。 5) 美国图书馆的经费来源,和有关图书馆是否提供收费服务的辩论。6) 电脑及网路对图书馆服务的影响,7) 如何争取当地社区及立法机构对图书馆的认同支助。

主讲人会分享她和图书馆咨询委员会,县市政府代表,图书馆基金会,图书馆之友会,媒体,公益团体, 以及义工的工作经验。


Abstract: Public library is the community’s informational, cultural and arts center. It is the gateway to life long learning. Free access to books, computers and research assistance; and customer-centered library programs contribute to the community’s quality of life. Using the example of Fremont libraries in California, the presenter will discuss the basic principles of public library services; different types, sizes and levels of library; services to various constituent groups from children, students, job seekers, the elderly, minority groups, functional illiterates, and jailed inmates.; the important role of library to promote reading, help users succeed in school and build successful enterprises; funding sources and the debate of fee based service; the impact of Internet on public library service, and effective strategies to garner community and political support for library services in the future.

Presenter’s experiences of working with Library Commissions, City and County government representatives, Library Foundation, Friends of the Library, media, community organizations, and Volunteers will be shared.

附件:Topic 3b -Yang.ppt
版权所有 2010-2011 湖南省图书馆学会