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Topic 2


Topic 2: 图书馆管理和运营制式--图书馆管理,行政,服务,即最佳实践

Library Management and Operational Mechanisms--Library Management, Administration, Services and Good Practices


摘要:美国图书馆已有长达150多年的历史。美国公共图书馆的发展基金大部分来源于税收。美国各级的政策和立法对公共图书馆有很大的影响。这些政策及立法起到确保公立图书馆有足够的资金、资源和工作人员,为公众提供高质量的服务, 从而满足图书馆用户的各种需求。本讲座将讨论美国公共图书馆的组织结构, 服务项目,公众对图书馆的使用,公共图书馆的工作, 以及图书馆经费来源。同时, 也将讨论美国各图书馆协会对公共图书馆的作用及之间的关系, 尤其是美国图书馆协会、州立图书馆协会在确保图书馆的政策、稳定、信息资源和馆员工作方面所起的作用。




Abstract: American libraries have over more than 150 years of history. Tax -supported American public libraries are based in and highly influenced by public policies and legislation at levels of national, state, regional and local political government. The laws and legislations of municipal government, counties/parishes, school districts, and city/counties are making sure that libraries have adequate number of professional staff, who can provide quality services needed for the communities. Coming from this point of view, this presentation discusses the organizational structure of the American public libraries, the services, the customers, the staff, and where the funds are coming from. Further, this presentation also talks about the relationship and roles of various associations for public libraries, esp. the role of American Libraries Association, the state and regional library association in securing the policies, stability, resources and staff for the public libraries.


Managing a library is like managing any other organizations; the administrators and directors need leadership skills to lead a successful library. Among many leadership styles, this presentation will focus more on a rather new type of leadership: the transformational leadership. As described by Bass (1985) transformational leadership motivates followers to help them develop and achieve to their fullest potential and contribution. Transformational leaders pay attentions to individuals, stimulate their intellectualism and inspire their motivations. It transforms people’s expectations about themselves.

附件:Topic 2a --Chen.ppt
 Topic 2b -Chen.ppt
版权所有 2010-2011 湖南省图书馆学会